Tom: A Strum pattern on only 2 strings (4th and 5th) for A* chord E|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------------------------| D|-2--2--2-2-2--2--2--2-2-2-| A|-0--0--0-3~0--0--0--0-3~0-| E|--------------------------| Slide up to D and hold with vibrato for 8 beats then back to strum pattern on A* D A* E|-----------|--------------------------| B|-----------|--------------------------| G|-----------|--------------------------| D|2/4--ho| ld--|-2--2--2-2-2--2--2--2-2-2-| A|3/5~-ho| ld--|-0--0--0-3~0--0--0--0-3~0-| E|-----------|--------------------------| Verse 1 A* A* I like big old farm tractors, an big ole farm implements A* A* An things that dig up lots of dirt, go real loud like they was meant to D A* oo oooh, like they were meant to ... Verse 2 Same as verse 1 but on last line slide up to D and hold with vibrato on 5th string for 4 beats, then slide to E and hold with vibrato on 5th string for 4 beats then back to strum pattern on A* D E A* E|---------------------|--------------------------| B|---------------------|--------------------------| G|---------------------|--------------------------| D|2/4--ho| ld--4/6--hold-|-2--2--2-2-2--2--2--2-2-2-| A|3/5~-ho| ld--5/7~-hold-|-0--0--0-3~0--0--0--0-3~0-| E|---------------------|--------------------------| A* I like looking at the field that's just been cut A* looking at the pigs when they do the rut A* I love the way hay smell when it's stacked in a barn A* These just a few things you gonna find on a farm D E A* Ye--eah down on the farm Da do do do do... x2 E|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|---------------------| D|-----------------2---| A|-----0-3~3~3p0-0--3~0| E|-0-3----------3------| D E A* Ye--eah down on the farm A* I love the way farms supply stores smell A* A mix of seed, working clothes and oil and more A* You can get a new shovel, get a new rake A* Get your chainsaw sharpened but you might have to wait D E A* They got coffee, Yeah, they got coffee made A dadodododo... D E A* Ye--eah they got coffee made A D(slide riff 1) A D (slide riff 2) Down on the farm, down on the farm A D(slide riff 3) A D (slide riff 4) Down on the farm, down on the farm A* I think I'll go out and wash my old John Deere A* But hang on just a minute, what's that I hear A* My friend Dan playing drums in the barn A* I guess we're gonna rock and roll yeah down on the farm D E A* Ye--eah down on the farm