In the cold and vast landscapes of the northlands, the runic power was sleeping, awaiting for a sign to rise up on earth once again. The ancient pagan realms of Scandinavia, Germany, Gaul and Britain were now fallen into Unpagan hands, which were coming from southern lands . Enough time has passed ... Yggdrasil was suffering for his wasted lands and he reopened the gates of Hel and Asgardhr, so that the north gods and the Berserkers were free once again , and so the western world will soon be prostrating in front of the mightiest Norse Warrior : The Kaiser of the northern tribes ... The plains lie open wide On the grimly white horizon Mjöllnir is in my possession I shall follow the path O so far ... Of our dead ancestors We shall never prostrate Just be ready my brothers We will soon be avenged Shall rise once more The divine wrath on Midgardhr Freyr shall lead us Surely to this expected victory Take your swords Throw your lances up to the skies It will be blessed By the mighty gods of Asgardhr My brothers gathering Under a pale and warm north sun The gods walk with us (thunder in the surrounding clouds) our hearts are Niflheimr's but our eyes are Muspellsheimr's our kenazs firing we run on the plain screaming for vengeance towards realms of the south Algiz and thurisaz Are drawn on our shields With the power of runes Victory shall be ours The realms of ice Shall spread once more ... They were proud and they were strong They followed my way through these Woods The gods were summoning for our fight Holy Books worshippers were crushed Down to the ground I will be the Kaiser of northern tribes War chants in the skies We still go to the south The noise of our armours Covered by screams Lands of Christ, Allah and Yahweh Falling down under our strikes They will be put down to dust It has been written in Ørlög That the Norse sacred tribes Will take their lands back Christians Moslems and Jews Who thieved our sacred ground Time is now came To destroy those bastards With no mercy