One last drink, And I'm digging the grave, To which the both of us fit perfectly. There's only disregard, And a girl, In a skirt cut just above her knees Its time, to dance with the dead. We introduced ourselves, to these chemicals. Love is nothing but, a dirty fascination, And we refrain from thinking So kiss me on this grave, and make this corpse worth missing. This is the perfect sign for lust gone wrong, I'm not ashamed to say, your body is addicting Lets do this one last time Tonight we dine, tonight we dine on our love. Tonight, tonight we fall apart. You tangled in someone else's Sheets, all the while you were thinking of me. One last string, for you darling Tonight we dine, tonight we dine on our love. Tonight, tonight we fall apart This is surely why you're afraid of me (Why you're afraid) Tonight we dine, tonight we dine on our love. Tonight, tonight we fall apart. (We fall apart, we're fallin' apart baby and tonight, tonight we fall apart)