Sean Kingston

Beautiful Girls

Sean Kingston

Tom: E

I was thkning on selling the tabs but then I thought of the people that made their own
of a song and gave posted it for free so I don't wanna be mean so here you go. If you 
just foud this tab, look up my guitar video in youtube and myspace. search for my name
Bantol" and you can watch it!!!

email me: *
add me in myspace: *
and wateva lol

Here's the strumming pattern for the Verses and the 1st Chorus:



Now here is the strumming pattern for the Refrain:


NOW for the part that everybody asked for!!!!!!!!!!!

the solo part which I used for the 2nd and the 3rd Chorus:






For the 3rd Chorus, play this at the end of the Chorus but only in the 3rd and last Chorus:


h=hammer on

Agiht there you go. took me one hour to do it so ENJOY!!!!