Blazing, spiralling smoke Turrets pierce the sky Into naught they were dissolved Beyond the needle’s eye Falling remnants cut the earth A mocking farewell Choking grip of circumstance None to sound the brazen knell Hurled thus into the void The foulest order of man Those prospered few by cosmic justice Stripped of this authority How do we proceed? Now climb through the scorching mist False truths in dying embers lie Their histories, their travesties Leave no page unburned! A globing sphere Unique, now free of purpose Gazes drop in loss as their exodus fails Castaways with no redeemers Captives of this toxic rock To extinction by its masters condemned was our flock Transform we shall this hell In their image it was wrought From depths of doom to greater days Terra shall be brought We acclaim their curtain call And applaud this timely leave Inheritors are we! From their desertion reborn is our spirit Freed of phantom chains Slain lies Mammon at Mercury’s flank Their poison tongues are cut The words are ground to dust Samarithropia! Our nouveau utopia In screaming terror shine in this new-born dystopia Great usurper! Salute the slaves! False truths in flames they dance Our histories, our travesties Leave no word unwritten