Deep in the vortex Scattered is life Visage of emptiness Darkness is rife Celestial corpses lie still, overthrown Shrines to their greatness are wastelands of stone Deposed, defiled by the splendour of fools Entombed with the flesh they had ruled Fallen, makers by their children were doomed Trampled limp in time-ravaged ruins Slaves, driven mad with envy of gods Shades in the dead of the stars Here perished aeons of the glory untold Now a tale only told by its scars Deep in the vortex Scattered is life Visage of emptiness Darkness is rife Flawed by creation, Summoned the will to destroy Chained to the ages, burn in the gaze of the stars Cold is the vortex, scattered is life Gods broken, erased and entombed Once reigned a power so ageless and cruel Now their pitiless thrones are destroyed Beasts, they wrought from dead of the rift Now slaves to the makers of old Heaven and hell shall be crushed in their wake The fate of the universe ridden with scars To know is to murder To speak is to fight And woe is the moment When lore becomes might Floating distortions Of decadent past The mighty have fallen before Like echoes of battle On dissident planes The tides had devoured their shores Omnipotents fallen by knowledge alone Forgotten and dead is their reign No spoils for the victor but desolate void The knowledge of ancients now dead and destroyed No purpose No masters They perish and fall The tides had devoured their shores