

Innards smeared on the boiling gravel
Sun beating down on this rotting animal
Vultures in ecstasy, devouring
Drenched in puss and festering fluids
Erratic and ravenous, fighting the traffic

Another worthless creature, Roadkill!
Pile of putrid maggot infested flesh
Another useless creature, Roadkill!
Mangled and alone, where you belong

Feed them to the swamp, to their grave
Feed them to the swamp, to their grave

Another worthless creature, Roadkill!
Pile of putrid maggot infested flesh
Another useless creature, Roadkill!
Mangled and alone, where you belong

Drenched in puss and festering fluids
Erratic and ravenous, fighting the traffic
Vultures in ecstasy, devouring
Vultures in ecstasy, devouring