Come cleanse this world of humans bring forth desolation Purge this earth of flesh cataclysm come Devastation I beseech thee eliminate this breed Abrogation I invoke thee bring forth the end Let fire immolate everything beloved Summoning inferno purgatory on earth Flames scorch creation destroying your heavenly father's land Bringing desecration dissolving all life Forests turn to ash oceans drained of life's elixir Human life extinguished all of earth ravaged Planet cleansed of flesh ruination reigns supreme Hell on earth summoned annihilation decreed Earth shall be vanquished stricken from the galaxy Reduced to micro fragments to never reform Earth torn asunder mankind defeated Calamity wiped away Scoured Devastation, I summon thee Cleansation, I beseech thee Destruction, I beckon thee Abrogation, I invoke thee