Since the day of your birth They tell you what god you must prey The one to confess your sins To whom you've got to ask forgiveness They teach you what is right And teach you what is wrong The only way to see the life The truth is just one You must never doubt But blindly believe They tell you about good angels and wicked devils And kill your mind since when you're a child since when you're a child ,they kill your mind The churches are crowded with people Who prey something they call God But they don't know if he can hear their prayers How much deaths Church has caused In the history of humanity More than every else war Just to predicate about love The people who do evil Confess their sins to clean their conscience 'cause one prayer is enough To wipe out all the evils Church like nazism Decided to kill Who wasn't son of God And their death was not a sin. Anyone never talks about those dead men Priests don't tell about those wars in their sermons (During their ceremonies) On their communal graves None never cries Slaughtered beasts not even worthy Of a humane burial Priests still ask for offerings And their bank account increases With that money you think to buy On hire-purchase your paradise That god in the kingdom of heaven Doesn't hear the cries of his so-called sons Do he wants to sacrifice us all on a cross Like he has done to his favourite son? Be quick, ask for his forgiveness 'cause heaven's not for everyone.