Ya wade through the water Liable to slip and fall in its slime And ya hurl stones Heavin' heavy rocks all the time Ya start fires and burn up everything you can find Yer one cranky bastard and I hate yer guts A moron's moron Fuckin' babies in their butts Who do you get to tie yer shoes for you anyway? Ya cut holes in your flesh fill the holes with venom Drag yer bitches around after crammin' fuck in 'em After crammin' fuck in 'em Ya hang a gloomy trio from gallows I've seen 'em Yer one cranky bastard and I hate yer guts Ya cut holes in your flesh fill the holes with venom Drag yer bitches around after crammin' fuck in 'em Ya hang a gloomy trio from gallows I've Ya hang a gloomy trio from gallows I've Ya cranky bastard muthafucka hotendotey snag a lag You'll find your shoes on the patio with the sour milk