I will send up my cry to the Lord, The cords of death were round me, and the seas of evil put me in fear. The cords of hell were round me: the nets of death came on me. For I have kept the ways of the Lord; You, O Lord, will be my light; by you, my God, the dark will be made bright for me. You have given me the breastplate of your salvation: For I have been armed by you with strength for the fight: I will give you praise, O Lord, and will make a song of praise to your name. For who is God but the Lord Invoco o SENHOR, digno de ser louvado Laços de morte me cercaram, torrentes de impiedade me impuseram terror. Cadeias infernais me cingiram, e tramas de morte me surpreenderam. Pois tenho guardado os caminhos do SENHOR Porque fazes resplandecer a minha lâmpada; o SENHOR, meu Deus, derrama luz nas minhas trevas. Também me deste o escudo da tua salvação, Pois de força me cingiste para o combate Glorificar-te-ei, pois, ó SENHOR, e cantarei louvores ao teu nome. Pois quem é Deus, senão o SENHOR