It's a beautiful night From here to those stars Feathers on the sides Of my fingers It's a beautiful night From here to those Trembling stars And the feathers so Fresh And the nerves so Fresh Do you swear The breastbone Was bare I saw it And made my Escape Do you have Any doubt That he slept In that bed I can only repeat I never saw Him Better listen Before you fly All over your Man Better listen Before i spill You in If you could Turn on your Side Move your touch To that hip Easy now Easy now It's a beautiful Night Garcia A cigarette For the Prisoner That ribbon crack Like this one and This one crack like Those over there and Those over there crack Like these two Bringing those strutters Bringing those strutters And that one cracks Like these do and These do just like This over here and This over here And out on the rim All the calcium planets Growing in The darkness All over the Body The flapping body Clickety click Clickety Click I have a greenlight For fifty thousand It was the month of July We had more in or Going out You were responsible For rolling stock I acn only repeat I never saw him In bed Do you know what Happened to most Of the children She opened the Tent To tame a morset Of air Before the sun Came up