Black and white, pass the grass For the mass, lasting this glass of wine Somebody amen is watching the hangman walk down the line And his reflection, and his shadow do seem to be mine Is it something, something, something, something I've said? Oh, no! It's something, something in my head The city street show cracks like a star, so I wonder Why is it so strange to rearrange the clouds over and under? Myself and I have always seen the see a secret lover But does she, does she, does she want this guy instead? Oh, no! It's something, something in my head Something [?] This winter morning is so cold for her in that cotton dress Things went away when they used to say: All you childs are blessed But lately, you see, she's been counting on me and I must confess Something, something, something, something is dead And I know it's something, something in my head In my head In my head In my head