Woke up just the other day, planning a colossal play Mission meaning suicide, causing local biocide You won't hear my point of view, so I've come up with something new No more bombs or empty threats, this will be the greatest yet Born within my basement lab, with the spare time that I've had Mixing death and stirring doom, intending you for early tombs Wait for this to be released, notice how it's hard to breathe? That's 'cause sarin's in the air chemical extraordinaire Pain shall hit and you won't know, 'till you feel your burning throat Grasping for the straws of life, as your body' force resigns Droplets kill in seconds flat, emanating lethal gas Hear me laughing all the while, grinning reaper, sarin smile Hit the school or park or church, anywhere that people work Break the bag and let it loose, let 'em feel the airborne noose Scratchy skin and watered eyes dominate as fevers rise Pulse collapse at rapid pace, color leaves from ashen face Muscle tense and paralyze, internal organs slow and die Suffocate, asphyxiate, either word describes your fate People dropping all around, dead before they hit the ground Killed off fast, efficiently, better than I thought it'd be Vapor horror at its best, stopped your heart within your chest Bloodless death for all involved, population problem solved Gaze upon my work and fear, chemo-terror of the year Misfit mind that lit the fuse, cake for anyone to do Corpses lay haphazardly, dead and gone, c'est la vie Face up, face down in the dirt, souls off to the spirit world Deadly way of getting fame, no one will forget my name While you watch the tragedy, I'll go down in history