No one to lament the dark continent tribal rivalries aflame 21st century, medieval butchery the way of massacre is the blade Commence the genocide, cut them open wide blood will flow all day and night Get the necklace tight, victim set alight human arson purifies Serial killer corps, extermination wars machete-induced gore, terra firma sore Helter Skelter Land, holocaust by hand nation-state's last stand, Helter Skelter Land Imposed boundaries, colonial legacies, ancestral claimants disagree So the terror goes, butchery never slows, governments and rebels both For those in between, peace is just a dream, homicide reality Not a moments calm, violence never gone, always lays in wait to strike!! Towns left in blood, carcasses in mud, amputations run amok Leaving some alive, mutilated right, so in the future they won't fight Mansonoid intent, lives cheaply spent, long failed experiment Widespread child rape, persistent spread of AIDS, any chance of being saved? From Algeria to South Africa, thing are fucked beyond repair Religious ethnic strife, maintained by the knife, death eternal, immortal Behind barbed wire fence, killing more intense, world outside turns a blind eye More barbarity, more depravity, continuing perversity!