In the year of the Lord, 1994... We conquered the floor! That was then, This is chapter four! I cause the rhyme from the stage Like a lion in the cage Coming down with the sound Worth a million pounds Zibadee zibadee doo-dah Zibadee doo-dah hey Wonderful day I wanna say with no delay Zibadee zibadee doo-dah Zibadee doo-dah hey Say with no delay MC H gonna play, yeah! The legend Behind the cow! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is the way! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is my way! Ahh... Yeah! Alright! Zibadee zibadee doo-dah Zibadee doo-dah hey Wonderful day I wanna say with no delay Zibadee zibadee doo-dah Zibadee doo-dah hey Say with no delay Gonna blow you away! The legend Behind the cow! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is the way! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is my way! All right crew! Introducing Mr. Fatman Scoop Yeah... What's up what's up what's up? Come on! Yeah! Here we go! Yeah! Scoop: Fatman Scoop rock the jam, rock the jam, once again Fatman Scoop rock the jam, rock the jam, once again Scooter's in da house, hands up, hands up Scooter's in da house, hands up, hands up H.P. is in da house, ,pull them up, pull them up H.P. is in da house anybody just jump jump jump jump pull them up, pull them up anybody just jump jump jump jump jump Let's Go! PEACE! This is the legend Behind the cow! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is the way! Come on! Tonight! Hooray! This is my way! Yeah! This is my way!