Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill Me Sink your teeth in Tearing out my insides, Tear 'em out, Tear 'em out Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill Me Circling me with your fin I come to you like a billboard Here is my schtick Great White Murderer Murder Me Mister lucky lucky surf the earth Now rests in pieces (peace is)....a great white smile Why don't ya Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill Me Do you think that you can Maybe another will kill me instead Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill Me Don't just jerk me around Put me inside, or leave me for dead Great White Murderer Murer Me, Everybody is scared of you But then, there is me Enter at my own risk, I don't belong they say She will murder me Trespass I will chill The girl she's more than a thrill But do, belong, belong, belong Why don't ya??