What else will you see, by gazing into the reflection Of your own countenance on the water's surface Than a thousand empty eyes from a thousand empty faces Of a thousand empty selfs, mirroring a thousand empty lifes? The harmonic state is not achieved through the profane illusion of capitulation, striking exceedingly the deepest minds whilst they are bent This isolation of the spirit, this paralysation of the flesh Are only initials, unravelling at last the circle of death I saw this falling star Lamb of faith under reason's will I bind this sacrifice to the burning tree And let it shine I am the star that guides your way Your shrine, your temple, wine and bread As opposed to him who leads astray For your mind was closed, your heart was dead Tell me, if satan’s breath creates the storms that hurl your salty water up to the clouds This you must tell me, because I would rejoice at knowing hell so close to man Embrace me now Drown in darkness Receive me now Accept this guiding light A voice to wake the truth of silence Destroying forlorn hope To renew what's hidden beneath the ruins I cast the serpent's spell On those who crawl unwillingly Through forsaken wastes and dirty soil Of a mind unclear I saw how eagles fell Stunned, from the topmost clouds of heaven Tumbling over one another In raging fear Abjure these crumbling halls Rebuild his rotten temple Under the sun of eyes To receive this gift with open arms Lest you don't fail to pass Receive the sign of death With purest dignity Infinity beyond the walls of life Shadows emerging from the deep In silence Ascending from oceans Shallow words are doomed to crumble As the truth is bared To be received through pain and anguish By the ones who dare to see Never again shall you crumble At the nameless void But kiss the deepest darkness And embrace the holy flames Abjure these crumbling halls Rebuild his rotten temple Under the sun of eyes To receive this gift with open arms Lest you don't fail to pass Receive the sign of death With purest dignity Infinity beyond the walls of life As you sink deeper and deeper Into this chimerical dark A mind is burning down Heralding thy utmost purifying rebirth