An angel appeared unto the barren woman Saying you shall conceive, the born one will be for God I have faced his mighty demands with granted power Yet I'm cursed with so many years of longing From their side, she looked at me, captured my devotion Blinded my heart, deluded my soul Out of eater came food Out of strong came sweetness Wherein thy great strength lieth? I pressed him until his soul was vexed to death He told me all his heart Out of eater came food Out of strong came sweetness We held him, took his eyes, and bound to the brass locks Destroyer of our land, we'll mock you as you fall down! I seduced him to sleep upon my knees And had the seven locks of his head shaven off Until his mighty strength went from him Remember me and strengthen me now, oh God I pray thee That I may avenge my two eyes Let me die with the philistines He bent with all might slaying more than he slew in his life Out of eater came food Out of strong came sweetness We held him, took his eyes, and bound to the brass locks Destroyer of our land, we'll mock you as you fall down!