God bless my curse. why heal? this gift hurts. the Fire has died? still i'm Tortured by the burn inside. but you didn't have Fucking thing to do with It, you never played a goddamn part in it, i've given So much i'll die in It, you still feel its your right to fuck with it....i Was never pushed, i Fucking let go, you never pushed me you fuck, you Think i'd give you the Pleasure? fail. i hope you fail in your life, i know You've failed in your Mind...i've learnt what faliure is about, you fucking Dead sure i won't try? If i cry then i can't see, these blood soaked tears Set me free, i drowned These tears so i can see reality inside of me....i was Never pushed, i Fucking let go, you never pushed me you fuck, you Think i'd give you the Pleasure? is that what you believe, is that what you Fucking wanna hear? you Fucking know i'm real, you fucking know i'm here...i Know you inside out, i Know you better than i know myself......i serve you Better than i serve Myself...why? why, why is this in me. i'm breathing, I'm praying to that Selfish god within me, to that hollow god that stalks You. praise your Goddamn life, fulfill your goddamn life...praise your Goddamned life, Fulfill your goddamned life. stillborn liar, wartorn Liar, forlorn liar. i May fail but you have to pick me up to see, i may fail But you have to test Me out to see. i may fail but you have to pick me up To see, i may fail but You have to test me out to see. you scatter, but i Have to gather, fallen All over and i will gather. you scatter, but i have to Gather, fallen all Over and i will gather. why?