So come clean Because above all i want you to be honest with me & in the end nobody wants to be lied to But my hopes are restored when you say you still love me But i know you couldn't love for your life But still he gives it all he's got Because his name is child and its written in blood That you can fight it all you want But if there's something that this world doesn't have Its a thing called love & its clear That you could care less about others Because in the end you always come out on top Yet my faith is renewed when you say you still love me But i know you couldn't love for your life But still he gives it all he's got Because this nameless child is written in blood And you can fight it all you want But if there's something that you don't know Its a thing called love But this gift Personified like it's alive itself Because after all this work you know it bleeds with me And all bets are off when you say you don't love me But i know you couldn't love for a gun to your head