These days are deranged We're zombies to the system Like monkeys in a cage Cause these days when all we are, are rats in a maze I'm sick of just a cookie, I want some fucking cake And I said 'Hey! What a thought?!' I know it might sound crazy but I think the magic in this world is away No doubt I'm claiming that the magic in this world is stolen away with age And I know it to be due in part to society I'm finding it criminal that the magic in this world Has long been jarred up in a bag And stolen away with age Just a little bit criminal As the thief is disguised through the money and the lies til we find We're being stolen away with age (We're stolen away) (We're stolen away) We're stolen away When black and white replaces grey (We're stolen away) And the child within is lead astray And I said 'Hey! what a thought?!' I know it might sound crazy but I think the magic in this world is away (No doubt I'm claiming that the magic has long been chained) No doubt I'm claiming that the magic in this world is stolen away with age And I know it to be due in part to society I'm finding it criminal that the magic in this world Has long been jarred up in a bag And stolen away with age Just a little bit criminal As the thief is disguised through the money and the lies til we find We're being stolen away We're stolen away We're stolen away We're stolen away We're stolen away We're stolen away We're stolen away And I said 'Hey! what a thought?!' 'Hey! what a thought?!' I know it might sound crazy 'Hey! what a thought?!' We're stolen away with age And I know it to be due in part to society I'm finding it criminal that the magic in this world Has long been jarred up in a bag And stolen away with age Just a little bit criminal As the thief is disguised through the money and the lies till we find We're being stolen away