The Deadcalm


Please, leave me alone if there's quiet
There's calm
I don't need the sun to shine and
I don't need to open my eyes
To see what's wrong with you
Is more wrong with me
In dead waters I drag a burden a secret
No peace will ever please my mind again
No love
I am forever burned with the mark of guilt
No escape
A clear choice but a trembling decision
A distant light has now turned to black
No love
I'm empty, I'm you

Intervene undermined to decline
Overcome overrule like a damn fool
And I don't see it
Overload comatose to deny
One mistake two mistakes
I know can't undo it, do it

I got my back up against the wall
There's no solution for a man like me
The contradictions that splits my heart is the
Last thing you want to see

There's no time for me to regret my choices
And no love
Could ever wake me from this sleep I'm in
No love

No one hears me and I know I'll be
Speaking of a truth that no one's
Ever heard before

Feels like my head's under water
My psychosis are about to explode
Liability is running low and my mind is
About to implode

There's no time for me to regret my choices
And no love
Could ever wake me from this sleep I'm in
No love

When no one hears me and I know I'll be
Speaking of a truth that no one's
Ever heard before

The last thing we all hear is a silent roar before
It all ends
It ends here with you

There's no reason to get involved
A simple kill problem solved
No effect the pressure's low
We turn it up and watch it blow

There's no reason to get involved
A simple kill problem solved
No effect the pressure's low
We turn it up and watch it blow

There's no reason you can't kill me