Tom: C Well, no one else had a NORMAL tab for this song, so this is my attempt. If there's else I need to add, please let me know. xxSaturated_L* ---Chou Yang you can figure out the pattern this is played. verse (keyboard) "If iI die and.." |----------| |-5-5------| |-5-5------| |-3-5------| |----------| |----------| just keep playing this until the chrous Chorus while the first part is playing, "I called her on the phone..." |-8---8---7---7---8---8---10---10------| |---8---8---8---8---8---8----8----8----| |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------| x2 verse "I'll be heading for electric chairs..." |----------| |-5-5------| |-5-5------| |-3-5------| |----------| |----------| and then when after he says "you're too young to be this empty girl" play: |----------| |----------| |----------| |-----3-3--| |-3h5------| |----------| then after he says "sick dark world" play: |------------| |------------| |------------| |-----3-5-3--| |-3h5--------| |------------| chorus bridge "I don't know what I want" Play |----------| |-5-5------| |-5-5------| |-3-5------| |----------| |----------| along with |-8---8---8-7------------------------------------| |---9---9-----8-10-8---10-8---10-8---10-8--------| |--------------------9------9--------9-------9---| |------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------| repeat until end. yeah it's pretty easy, this is probably close to correct, but I'm sure it's not 110%. yeah, you get the gist of it.