Say Anything

Wow I Can Get Sexual Too

Say Anything

Tom: C

Well, no one else had a NORMAL tab for this song, so this is my attempt. If there's 
else I need to add, please let me know. xxSaturated_L*
  ---Chou Yang

you can figure out the pattern this is played.

verse (keyboard)

    "If iI die and.."
just keep playing this until the chrous

while the first part is playing,
       "I called her on the phone..."
|--------------------------------------| x2

    "I'll be heading for electric chairs..."

 and then when after he says "you're too young to be this empty girl"

 then after he says "sick dark world" play:



"I don't know what I want"

along with
repeat until end.

yeah it's pretty easy, this is probably close to correct, but I'm sure it's not 110%. 
yeah, you get the gist of it.