
The Devil's Footprint


Was in the year of our Lord 1855
The snow lay thick far and wide
Over rooftops through the fields
Did Satan leave his mark?
Something evil passed thy way
Twas a creature of the dark
Send him back from whence he came
There rose up the hew and cry
Protect thy self from fear and pain
The Devil's footprint comes again

All was still no sound was heard
The snow was crisp and white
Something walked across the land
Until the morning light
Over rooftops through the fields
What made this cloven path
No one knew what beast it was
That left this ghostly track

Lock your doors and shutters tight
There's demons riding out tonight
Sent from hell to test your faith
Pray to God to keep you safe
From the Devil's footprints
From the Devil's footprints

In the morn' the hoof prints clear
Over valley town and weir
Twas no human made this mark
Something evil in the dark
Gather sword and shot they cry
Kill the beast and send it nigh
Back to hell from whence it came
Never tread this path again

Lock your doors and shutters tight
There's demons riding out tonight
Sent from hell to test your faith
Pray to God to keep you safe
From the Devil's footprints
From the Devil's footprints

See the Devil riding out tonight
Over rooftops till the morning light
Bring your sword and send him back to hell
Cast him forth to where the demons dwell

They searched till dusk found not a thing
No one knows what night will bring
Could it be the hounds from hell
Satan's work? No one can tell
Listen careful in the night
Keep the children out of sight
Save their souls repent thy sin
The beast will come when night begins

Lock your doors and shutters tight
Demons riding out tonight
Sent from hell to test your faith
Pray to God to keep you safe
Lock your doors and shutters tight
Demons riding out tonight
Sent from hell to test your faith
Pray to God to keep you safe
From the Devil's footprints
From the Devil's footprints