Misguided ones on your sight Crafting monuments for hypocrite rites The sacred grove's legacy they overwrite Heritage they rape and burn Oblivious of the lesson to be learned The legacy will have its night Set on fire the monuments on decisive fight Behold the justified flames See them burn down the frames To liberate man from the bastard's chains Man with black flame inside Nature - the absolute guide Sacred grove's black light Set the icons of whore all alight True ancient one from the ashes and flames Will rise - exterminate the false praise There is god in man - conception gains There is god in man - the truth flows in our veins There is god in man - the heritage remains Under the northern sky the pagan fire reigns Gather and fortify sons of the true god's flames Ride across the blazing horizon Towards the ancient prosper and wisdom Black goat's blood shrine Rise the chalice for a sign Ascend to bear the burden of the flame Become the one with no name The bringer of the black light Halo, glory, shine