
All I Want


The minutes lost
You yearn to regain
The more you try
The more energy drained
You know, it`s crazy how time flies
I’m losing a constant battle
All I want is to behold those blue eyes.

Long to see your smiling face in the doorway
Long to hear your laughter on a rainy day
Every second apart from you
Like a life untrue
Every breath in your absence
Without meaning.

Our borrowed time here on earth
Empty words, they have no worth
You know, when doing this and that feel wasted
All I want is to embrace you
Great clock of life: Please stand still!

All I want is to hold you in my arms and be near you
Every cell in my body aches when you`re feeling blue
Desire to be there for you whenever you need me
Stroke your hair and hold the moment for a while…