
Christ Goodbye


Tom: G

Album: Paradise Belongs To You

transcribed by Nikolaj Balle

.  - palm mute                    
\  - slide down to                
h  - hammer on                    
p  - Pull off
ph - pinch harmonic                
*  - see comment                    
r  - release                                                           
X  - percussion mute                
@  - slight palm mute                   
() - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo pick until next note
 / - slide up to
\  - slide down to
~  - vibrato                

Suffixes for bend
b  - bend
hb - half bend
f  - fullbend  
t  - tab bend                
~  - vibrato ben

 Tune 3 halftone down to C# 

Riff A (without distortion) 


Riff B (with distortion)

Guitar I
|   ..                   ..               ..                  ..                      |
|                                                                                     |            
|Guitar II                                                                            |
    ..                  ..                ..                  ..     

Riff 2 continued

Guitar I
|   ..                   ..                           ..                  ..                       |      
|                                                                                                  |   
| Guitar II                                                                                        |
    ..                ..                              ..                  ..

Riff 3(Without Distortion)  vers

/ x4                             \/ x3                                \
| ------------------------------- || --0------------------------------ |
| ---0--------0------0------0---- || ---0----0--------0------0-------- |
| -2------------2--2----------2-- || -2--------2----2----------2------ |
| -0------0--------0-----0------- || -0-----0-------0------0---------- |
\                                /\                                   /

Riff 4

Guitar I(with Distortion) 

|   ..                  ..                ..                 ..                     |
|                                                                                   |
|                                                                                   |
|  Guitar II                                                                        |
    ..                  ..                ..                  ..     

  Guitar I
|                                                                                    |
|                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                    |
| Guitar II                                                                          |

Riff 5

  * - Overtone
/                                                        \
\                                                        /

This is it...there shoulden't be any mistakes