There was this fair lady Created equally to man She was told to bend her will To heed to his every need Command to lie beneath him In rage she flew from the garden Lady n' the snake, comes to you in the night Lady n' the snake, drinks the stolen blood Lady n' the snake, harming those with child Lady n' the snake, unholy tree of life Never to be told what to do The snake enters her womb Samael begets willing lilith Mother of the demons A wrath of vengeance and hate To torment the children of man Lady n' the snake, comes to you in the night Lady n' the snake, drinks the stolen blood Lady n' the snake, harming those with child Lady n' the snake, unholy tree of life Free of original sin Inanna enters the seventh gate Resurrected by enki With you taking her place in hell "I am the harlot of jerusalem One hundred a day I bore the lilim All newborns charged to me An amulet to spare their lives Spitefully I turned on my own And eat their infernal souls" The wife of death Succubus of the night Murder of infants Mysterious hold lilith Lady n' the snake The dark moon in dim twilight Pre-dating any God all worshiped Great goddess of the earth Ruling a hundred thousand years Pushed out by the false lords Black madonna's still bear witness