418 of the Dark Cloak, We are under Command. Upon this Universe and Over your shoulder. As this Wrath of Rage From your Mind Explodes. Feel this Demon Witchery. Coiled flesh, Black Sorcery. 418 ABRAHADABRA The Sacred Key. 418 By our Left Hand We cast a curse on you. Shadows of Darkness, Nocturnal Doom. In every breath you breath, Demons take seat. Feel him, rebel of all sin. Coming, in your immanent domain. Magick is the Art of Life itself and beyond. Thus Magick is the Art of Change in Phenomena. All Souls exist, Ultimate. Mist of Mind and Flesh. Magick is the Art of Life itself and Beyond. Thus Magick is the Art of Change in Phenonena. All Souls exist, Ultimate. Mist of Mind and Flesh. Secrets Superior, Metaphysics. Enchant Godhead: Eleventh Ring. Behold within this Royal Art. No not above, One Star in Sight. A fiery force in nature. Celestial Source springs forth. Once inside, the Unholy Stones. A consecrated, Sabbath is at height. Hear thou Grim Goat Lord, rattling his skulls. While these bones of muzik now conspire. At dusk, midnight A fever burns alive. Warlock-Fire, Cryptic desire. Vanish, Appearing Stardust on thou wings. Mental telepathy, Infernal Offering. Open up the book of all mystery, Ineffable Enlightening. Given to flesh, body and blood Unveil eternal wisdom. Far beyond Space and Time, To some Darker Glimmering. A Deathless pang, Beyond thought Supreme. The Bleeding Vine; Is Purple Wine. It comes to us: Supernatural. Over lines Communicable.