SaTaN (Visual Kei)

Splatter Moutain

SaTaN (Visual Kei)

Welcome to splatter moutain.
I'll invite you dead world.
If you come to here once you can't escape.

Welcome to splatter moutain.
Let's go to suicide place.
If you come to here once you can't escape.

So scream !!!!
You try to escape from this place.
It's no use. You're already dead.

Do you wanna skewer in a needles moutain ?
Or dou you wanna cut you separately ?

It's to late !!

Pass judgement ! (die !)
You're guilty ! (die !)
I execute you decapitate.

Which do you select dead or die.
Anyway you're destined to die.
Brains are scattered !
Viceral cleft !
I completely take it to pieces !
The burning to death is not bad too.
But is dull because it's not bleeding.
Let's die.

Pieces of meat is scattered.
The scream keep on sounding.
Let's go to suicide place.
My oh my what a wondaful dead.

Dive to thorn in a waterfall.
And scattered blood splash.
Let's go to suicide place.
My oh my what a wondaful dead.