'dear feebleminved humain beings' The world goes to the ruin surely now. We need a new ruler of new world. It is necessary to change this world. Listen to my voice silly human beings. The satan rules over the the world from now on. The satan is descended from the hell. That is deeper than the abyss of despair. Kneel down ... ! Even if you pray to god, it is useless. Because god doesn't exist. If you don't follow me i kill you. People are just a sacrifice of me. The world is the survival of the fittest after all. You become the satan bottom now. Kneel down... ! Kneel down... ! kneel down... ! Kneel down... ! kneel down... ! Kneel down... ! kneel down... ! Kneel down... ! kneel down... ! Death for the virtuous ! True god is not jesus christ. The hypocrite should be crucified. People are satan's sucrifice. Evil is all and pray to vice. Satan bless you... It's time when the satan ruled over the world !! You bless yourself and pray to the utmost. The hero of justice in an imitation. Evil is all and pray to vice ? Toast for the satan !