SaTaN (Visual Kei)

Over Your Death

SaTaN (Visual Kei)

Why are the people afraid of death ?
In the pain fearful ?
Or don't wanna suffer ?
Then is the life saved if pray to god ?
Remember yourself, the answer is no.
This is because god does not exist.
A blessing is just an escapism.
Wake up fucker, and watch the truth.
Even a guy said to be god is dead long ago.

I get over you corpse.
I don't care if anyone dies.
I get over you corpse.
Because i'm nothing to lose.

What's the truth happiness ?
What happens when i pray ?
I kill phantom god.
I don't trust anybody.
I just go my may.

God... oh, god, you are what sinful !
Die, please die for me.
Disappear front for me.
I wouldn't like to be a god doesn't exist.
I'm keep on living in the dead world.

I get over your death.

God is just an image.
God is just a pretense.
God is just a fabric.