SaTaN (Visual Kei)

Jinglebells From The Hell

SaTaN (Visual Kei)

My name is 'satan crows' ho-ho-ho.
We'll come in this town of santa clouse.
Though you are not christian. why do you have a party ?
You guys are fuckin' crazy stupids !
I exucute you !

Santa claus gives a toy to children.
But i give them fear and despair,
For girls.
I give a severed head of your mother,
For boys.
Do you like 'mushi king' ?
I give million cockroaches !

Silent nightmare you pray to god
Holy nightmare i want you dead
Silent nightmare i pray to ghosts
Holy nightmare you were born to die

Jingle bells from the hell at the night of christmas.
It's so funny and very scary christmas.
Jingle bells ring a bell and kill liking it !
This town is dyed red, merry bleeding christmas.

The ambition of satan crows continues.
I have to do a lot of things yet for the people.
The people of this town were exterminated.
I'll go to your town on christmas of the next year.

Merry christmas motherfuckers.
I give a holy nightmare for you.