I'm singing the death song. From the bottom of hell. And i keep on laying a curse. To motherfuckin' false god. Sellout, despair, rage, despise. I kept on bearing any pain. When the time has come at the midnight. Satan will appear again in front of you. Come on, look at the sky. Come on, green moonlight shines. If you want me ring a bell. I am crawling from the graves. Instead of false god. Satan will appear again in front of you. If you want me call for me. I am crawling from the graves. Instead of false god. Sartan will rule over the world by all means... You guys sleep in the grave. And i promised one thing. I change this rotten world. To the wonderful world. Where a full of laugh and scream. Human trafficking at the blackmarket. What you guys humain being do is very more unjust. When the time has come at the midnight. Satan will appear again in front of you.