Sing along in praise of two billion corpses with me. And you join us and you have to follow this parade. If you escape and you escape but we run after you. When you noticed, it's too late. You become a crew of me. "fear the night". "fear the night". I tell it for stupid children. It waiting for you from now on, it funny things, funny sight, Greatest pleasure is greatest fear. Disbelieve. Disbelieve. I tell it for silly adults. Close your eyes and open your eyes. There is nobody in front of you. All right, what is there then you look back ? ... If you try escape, it's too late. When you noticed it's the end of your life. Even if you scream and cry so much. Already your life is my hands. When your life pass away. The death come to you to kidnap you. Don't be afraid of anything. Because you're already crew of us. Ghosts are not scary. That's right. Because you become a ghost yourself. Let's invite a lot of your friends. You say 'join us' They'll say 'yes' You deprive their life to become a crew. We were wrong all of things. You finally noticed. You're stupid ! You had been said many times. "really the scariest is civilized society". At the wharf of jungle since you were child.