They that have fallen... Besieged is the city of the throne of Zedeklah As we sit at the middle gate We the princes of the king of Babylon Determine the future of the inhabitant's fate As the blood red sun sets over Judah The weak flee betwixt the city walls As we cleanse the city with fire... They who dare stand in our way will surely fall Slay the sons of this ravaged kingdom Before their fathers eyes Tear the orbs from their sockets He will come with us Slay the sons of this ravaged kingdom Before their fathers eyes He will come with us... Bound in chains to the homeland Nergal Sharezer... I call to thee Rab Mag... return to Riblah Rab Saris... Take this blade and rid the land of impurities Relying only on fortified beliefs Thrust by a determined will to conquer Dismissed are those unsure of their regard for loyalty Dealt with, indiscriminately Punished more severely than the dissident foe Fading with the ashes of the charred city Slay the sons of this ravaged kingdom Before their fathers eyes Tear the orbs from their sockets He will come with us Bound in chains to the homeland Slays the sons of this ravaged kingdom Before their fathers eyes Tear the orbs from their sockets He will come with us Bound in chains to the homeland Rab Mag... return to Riblah Relying only on the strength of our beliefs Thrust by a determined will to conquer Dealt with, indiscriminately Punished more severely than the dissident foe Fading with the ashes of the charred city Nergal Sharezer... I call to thee