This isn't a way to be a martyr, to manifest my pain Maybe it's one of life's great demands, to go down the drain No one told me it would be self-destructive just to care One thing this fucking world will never be is; fair See the light in the end of the pipe Enter the realms of suicide paradise Dead is the value of your name The vanity of living is your pain Can't hold the rage when the truth is shed Mission naïve; saving a world that's already dead Consumed democracy returns a socialist regime Political correctness, makes you see what to believe Religion, media, politics streaming… Schizoid world orders screaming! See the light in the end of the pipe Enter the realms of suicide paradise Dead is the value of your name The vanity of living is your pain A perception of incompetence; the blind leading insanity Exhausted by frustrations, it leads to complete anarchy Insecurity for social hierarchy drives reason to extremes All that's left of value; is to die a painful death, it seems Religion, media, politics streaming… Schizoid world orders screaming!