Should the fortune teller be turning up empty? The dime's not worth what these stars are predicting I was dreaming of russian sage and orange groves 67 Mustang on a desert road Waited to run Waited to love Waited to change and never did Waited to act Waited to think Waited. Wasted all this time. Kept wasting all this time. And if the planets all aligned as designed I'd still find a way to be chronically dissatisfied Always dreaming that it's greener on a different coast 67 Mustang on any road Waited to run Waited to love Waited to change and never did Waited to act Waited to think Waited. Wasted all this time. Kept wasting all this time How cunning! The logic so expertly flows from the tongue that egregiously claims to know. Fools us all. Waited to run Waited to love Waited to change and never did Waited to act Waited to think Waited. Wasted all this time Kept wasting all this time Waited. Wasted.