Licking your son, your first-born, injuring tour womb Nobody knows, if you have feelings, cuddling the corpse Flesh colours fangs in your child, you show no mercy Grinder... his feeble skull... languid... inlay the knives Ravish... with rage from her entrails... caress... there is no time to regret In the beginning, in your pregnancy, you were dreaming With the birth, suddenly awake, in your entrails A wicked woman, desirous of flesh, in a vortex of blood, her feelings forsaken faraway Your child is screaming of pain, he has been damned to die, his death will be your pleasure, and your tears will be melted with blood Unleashing your hate against your son Summoning the force from fiends [Lead guitar] Still burn and spilling tears of hate The fetus is soulless and stiff... rip!!! Hussy despoiled of her seed, but is your work of art Looking at the rotten corpse of your infant, on the ground... on the ground