Once upon a midnight clearing, upon an open grave Dimensions indescribable, callings from the dead Four by seven, six deep, though nothing as it appears Desire to feed the afterlife, it draws the living near Ensnared, rooted deep Unimagined, secrets keep Calling the ones of skin, drawing from unknown Gravitational pull, shedding of flesh and soul Entwined in the roots, becoming one with earth Easy part is death, infinity becoming one Witness to everlasting dark, attuned to solitude of soul Written on every destiny, to writhe and lay below Brethren of centuries collide, attained escape from ice cold hell Stepping in no turning back, once filled empty still Entrapped, rooted deep Machinations, lay sleep With the promise of an after life, draws the curious nigh Obtaining knowledge of a broken life, defleshed as they die Never stated a glorious world, entombed within the earth Final resting the only thrill, time to approach open grave