No time for ifs No time for buts, These are the final moments, The final moments of my life. Two minutes left, This is my final song, The saddest the sweetest Death stops the breathing song. And i'm gonna set my life on fire, I've got no time to lose with you fuckers, But although i fucking hate you, Deep down i know... I have no time to hide, No more time to pretend, Theses are the final moments, The final moments of my life. One minute left This is my farewell song, The hardest but the greatest Life stops the breathing song. I am the first to judge, The first to point the finger, The first to think "I'm better than everybody else" Although i know... And i'm gonna set my life on fire, I've got no time to lose with you fuckers, But although i fucking hate you, Deep down i know... Deep down i know we're not the same, We're all the same, We're all the same But we're not the same.