Sanitys Dawn

In My Fridge

Sanitys Dawn

as i went to my fridge / my blood pressure gets high / get my thrill by looking at my cryptic morbid collection

remembering those good times of slashing children, women and men

nicely wrapped up in foil / a fine catch of colon / the stench of this lump will please my nose / but i think this good piece of cells is spoiled

rancid - spoiled - my lovely carnage - gore

take another look at my fridge / i got more interesting pieces of flesh / chopped off limbs thick and thin / to be gnawn down to the bone

let's drink a pint of blood / let's lick the pus from a spoon / let's take the morbid cryptic menu

welcome to my very own taste of gore
guts and pus / only my very own morgue will make me laugh