Sanitys Dawn


Sanitys Dawn

deep red coloured flesh - tons of frozen meat / twitching from the hook - to end as minced meat / lifeless staring eyes - motionless flesh / big fattened carcass - fed to end as food
deep red coloured - tons of frozen meat / orderly chopped in a half - dangle from the hook / despaired grunting sounds / can't stop the puking out undigested food / the butchers blade is near
white coat blood stained / chopped in a half - the taste of death / time to take a blood bath / deep red coloured blood - fresh and warm
why do we have to leave the meadow / why must we take place in this van / there's an aerid reek of putrified flesh / the blood is pulsating - can't take the fear / our last journey ends in a dirty dark backyard / tons of frozen meat orderly chopped in a half / the butchers blade is sparkling - sharpened well / when will our mortal agony end