Stop and smell the Roses In Your Way Thank the blackbirds Who steal the crumbs you lay Envy the gunman Who thinks he knows What he’s shootng for That is more than most can say Throw your hands in the air Just say I don’t know Stop pretending to smile You’ve got something to do With your life Stop wasting your time with lies Get your morning coffee From the woman At the bottom of the hill She’ll love you if she likes you If she hates you, then she will There’s a man there Sitting sketching A woman with blue hair A boy making transformers A bunch of homeless millionaires Throw your hands in the air Just say I don’t know Stop pretending, just cry You’ve got something to do With your life Stop wasting your time with lies Don’t be afraid, you are protected That’s what they say Collecting their tithe Just be the angel You think might be protecting you What if The only one protecting you is you? Throw your hands in the air Just say I don’t know Stop complaining and try You’ve got something to do With your life Stop following mine, following lies There’s a sunset At the top of the hill You can go there if you like There is nothing left to do today, Its okay