I wanna live like no tomorrow And never think 'bout yesterday 'Cause we could live without the sorrow It's just perspective anyway Even impossible is positive 'Cause it has the word possible in it And the unthinkable is thinkable If you think for a minute And even untrustable is trustable If you put trust in it, yeah So put your trust in it, yeah The best is yet to come Don't worry 'bout a thing Whenever you feel down Don't let the troubles in The Sun is gonna come Don't worry about the rain Let's sit here for a while And watch it go away And just take it easy Let's take it easy And let the breeze in Just take it easy Don't really worry 'bout the future 'Cause I will get there anyway And it's o, it's okay to be a loser It's how you face it anyway Even impossible is positive 'Cause it has the word possible in it And the unthinkable is thinkable If you think for a minute And the unlovable is lovable If you put your heart in it, yeah So put your heart in it, yeah The best is yet to come Don't worry 'bout a thing Whenever you feel down Don't let the troubles in The Sun is gonna come Don't worry about the rain Let's sit here for a while And watch it go away And just take it easy Just take it easy Just take it easy Let's take it easy And let the breeze in Just take it easy