


Invocation has been spoken
Reveal your mortal life!
What was reason of your call?
How dare you make me arrive?

Ancient laws of otherworld
Says if you open the gates
I can sense your violent call
And take shape in your place

If I allowed to say
My soul is in disarray
I entreat day-to-day
You can hear my prayer

You should listen to me
Overcome your horror! Overcome your horror!
And I ask to help me!
You should have no pavor!
You should have no pavor!
Flow of wishes every time
Any wish is real! Any wish is real!
To become immortal
Never you will die! Never will you die!

Veiled spirit - support me!
Light of your fire please, give me
I reborn in your fire and begin a new life

My blood began to boil
And again I revived
I've found pleasure due to you
I'm not dead!

I prayed and you came
I managed to tell (the) whole
Power possessed by you
Be my majestic way

My world not differ from yours
Nothing is free, nothing is fair
Another power-thirsty wight
Grief to pay, immortal pain!