
Cancer of Earth


Desert space
No living's seen around
Nothing but waste
On scorched ground
Smoulder trails
Bitter and venomous
And houses burns
With its owners

Nightmare come true
Mankind defeat at last
Their home world
As said in the past
Boiled waters
With surfaced fish
And vessels sails
With dead sailors

Will it ever be the same?
Haven't been warned?
What gods now should we pray?
Haven't been told?
Nature tolerated too long
Was even worse!
Unity was long ago
Leave all your hopes now, cancer of Earth!

Blood-red skies
As before it never was
Scorching sunrise
No wind now blows
All black gold spent
All wars is over
And survivors envies
Whom lifelessly lies

Capitals stand
Like giant graveyards
And ghoulish beats
Having their feast
Soon dead space
Dry forests, poisoned seas
Shall evanesce
At cleansing flames

Let flames reins
For thousands of years
As it was before
As at the very bit
Then let it rain
Let there be flood
To wash and degrade
And primordial world will rise

Once again the seas
Will be the cradle of all life
Forests will grow again
And will be filled with beasts
Clear sky will appear
From heavy and poison mist