A thousand birds now fill the air They feel it too As the seasons now change Another empty room another time now spent Except for one lovers note In the place that we slept And I take one last look at the sun And I think of everyone That has come into my life I want you to know I still carry that life in my life But you have to move on Move on One life just one Just one life to live one road to roam, One path made for one soul to venture on their own It’s one gift of this day That brings one light to us all It’s one chance to help one earth for we cannot let her fall This one heart that you carry don't break in your time Never know when one love can come into our lives, And if you have to move on, on this road that you roam Remember it’s made for one soul to venture on their own Now the flock is 10.000 strong Heading north back to the warmth of the sun Another empty beach another time now spent Except for one lovers note in the place that we slept I keep my head as the sun now sets and moves on She reminds me we have got one life just one Although it’s hard to cope in life at times Everyone must move on For we have one life just one