The greatest waste of potential A generation had to offer revolution in our clutch without the will to bother Ambitionless we wallowed in the crowd our souls were hollowed out every pill was swallowed down and we followed our leaders into the ground and after all the dust had cleared and we dried away the tears our fears were left to subtly enslave us as were headed through the lines that marked the boundaries of our lives wee left to die with no one to save us We became the victims of indifferent behavior manipulated to crucify our conscience like a savior we could not conceive that our betrayal was the instigation of our failure so we strive to no avail we sunk this ship before we set sail reticence prevailed as my faith lie dying, I'm still trying to expose our successors to this paradise in which we are enclosed we came so close to giving up and never wondered why bought into every subterfuge by which we are denied They've Taken everything (Backing vox) we have been defined we have been defiled we have been refined NOW WE ARE BROKEN! I will not lay down I wont' forget the dream I will not abide this suffering They've taken everything except our decision